Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Another dose of the 'VAC Scene'

Expect another heapin' helping of everyone's Cliff Richard & The Shadows favourites on Mon. 4 August when Shane & The Shadz take the stage at the Point Chevalier RSA - plus a bonus.

We're back at the 'Chev' for the Variety Artists Club (VAC) monthly 'Meet'n'Greet' cavalcade of entertainers.

And, a couple of the Boyz in the Band have been persuaded to do some vocalising. Hope you'll join us!

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Second "rock" on the 'Planet'

''By popular request", we recently found ourselves making a return appearance on Rockin' the Planet with Shane (Face TV/Sky 83 Thursday nights at 8.30pm) and sharing the show with yet another gorgeous, talented Kiwi songbird - the internationally accomplished Annie Crummer.